In the context of business analysis, a workshop is a facilitated and structured gathering of stakeholders and subject matter experts, both from the business and technical community, typically with different perspectives, aspirations, and areas of expertise and responsibility.
The main objective of a workshop is to collaboratively explore, analyse, and discuss business needs, opportunities, and problems in order to generate ideas, reach a consensus on a certain issue, or identify, define, and prioritise requirements for a particular initiative or project.
Thanks to the ability to provide a quick turnaround of information and multiple sources of expert knowledge, workshops are especially useful in circumstances that require a more complex discussion than a simple meeting.
With different people providing different suggestions and asking different questions, an issue can be approached from multiple angles, ensuring an effective and comprehensive solution.
Depending on the scope and complexity of the entire project or the issue at hand, workshops can vary in format or duration. In most cases, they will include a combination of brainstorming, group discussions, role-playing, visual modelling, problem-solving exercises, and other techniques.
The facilitator, often a business analyst, orchestrates the workshop, making sure everyone is actively participating, managing time, and promoting an inclusive and open environment for discussion and collaboration.
Depending on the area of expertise and the purpose of the particular workshop, business analysis can also be an active participant.